Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Nine whole months!

Today was Tessa's nine month checkup.  She is right on track developmentally.

Weight: 19lb 2 oz / 50th %ile
Height:  29 in / 90th %ile
Head circumference: 17.5 in / 60th %ile


Last weekend saw Tessa's first ever beach experience.  Everyone who knows me knows that I love to make short visits to the beach.  Uncle Jason went along for the ride, to help us at the beach, and to see Brent.  Tessa loved the beach, the sand, and the water.  In fact, she loved the sand so much she tried to eat it several times.  Uncle Jason put her down to feel the waves and she was a tiny bit frightened of that but she got over her fear pretty fast.  We also had a tent that was ridiculously hard to assemble and are forever grateful to Uncle Jay for putting it up.

Tessa also sneaked a piece of lord-only-knows-how-old-bacon from the floor of the hotel room and chewed it like a piece of bubblegum for about ten minutes until I discovered it.  Gross!  She tried cinnamon apples from Chili's while Momma had a delicioso margarita but Tessa's not a fan of cinnamon. She made the worst faces.

Uncle Jay had his first pooh-plosion experience trying to change Tessa in IHOP's bathroom after she was a bit fussy while Momma was finishing breakfast.  I'm sure it was an unforgettable moment for him.  Yay for IHOP having a changing table in the gent's restroom though.